23 January 2020

On 23 January 2020 the President of the Constitutional Court of Romania, Professor Valer Dorneanu, PhD, received a visit from His Excellency Adrian Zuckerman, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Romania.

The meeting was also attended by Mrs Abigail Rupp, Deputy Chief of Mission, and Mrs Maria Tapalagă, political specialist, from the US Embassy in Bucharest, as well as Mrs Claudia Margareta Krupenschi, Assistant-Magistrate- in-chief, Director of the President’s Office at the Constitutional Court of Romania.

At the beginning of the meeting, the President of the Constitutional Court congratulated Ambassador Adrian Zuckerman for taking office, particularly appreciating his professional qualities, but also his family ties with Romania.

The President of the Constitutional Court also made a summary of the multilateral relations that the Constitutional Court of Romania has with American bodies/entities specialized in constitutional law. Moreover, the President succinctly presented, in comparison with the common law system, the features of constitutional justice in Romania, integrated with the Kelsenian model in Europe, and explained the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court.

The discussions continued to focus on the evolution of democracy and the rule of law in our country since the change of the political regime in 1989, as well as on the need to continue this path in the spirit of defending the fundamental values of law. In this context, Ambassador Adrian Zuckerman expressed his appreciation for the effort and contribution of the Constitutional Court to the consolidation, over time, of constitutional democracy and to the impartial defence of the rule of law, in which sense he expressed his full support.

The two officials highlighted the importance and benefits of the dialogue between the fundamental institutions of the State and agreed to continue the cooperation between the US Embassy in Romania and the Constitutional Court of Romania.