1 and 2 June 2023

On 1 and 2 June 2023, Mr Fabian Niculae, Assistant Magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Romania, participated in the meeting of the Bureau of the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French language (A.C.C.F.) held in Lausanne, the Swiss Confederation.

The organisation of the Association Congress in 2025 was one of the issues on the Agenda of the Bureau Meeting. According to the Bureau’s decision, the work of the next Congress on “The role of the constitutional judge in the interpretation and revision of the Constitution” will be organised in Bucharest on 5-7 May 2025 by the Constitutional Court of Romania, in its capacity as vice-president of this forum. (https://accf-francophonie.org/communique-de-presse-9e-congres-et-assemblee-generale-de-laccf/).